As noted earlier over on the Coalition for Reliable Power, McKinney has been accused by Clean Air Watch of sponsoring a NARUC Resolution against the EPA rules that was ghost written by AEP.
The TRAIN Act that McKinney is supporting today has been labeled "lobbyist mischief" and part of an AEP spin campaign to delay implementation of the rules by Reuters.
In his testimony, McKinney relies on a "study" commissioned by the coal front group American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity:
"The American Coalition of Clean Coal Electricity (ACCCE) recently asked NERA Economic Consulting to model the economic impacts of the proposed CATR and MACT Rule together. Overall the analysis shows that in 2016 electricity rates will increase by 11.5% in the US generally, and by another 12.9% in WV. Moreover, net job losses are projected to be 1.44 million for the total US and 38,500 for WV."
ACCCE is a well-known industry front group that was caught sending fake letters to Congress in 2009 asking them to vote against climate change legislation.
Commissioner McKinney is also confused about what caused the extended power outage in southern West Virginia during a blizzard in 2009.
"The WV Commission is tasked with ensuring that the WV consumers receive reliable power. We have learned recently that reliability is king and that concerns about reliable service are one of the greatest concerns to customers. During a recent severe blizzard in southern WV over the Christmas holidays, during peak demand, power was interrupted for many residents for an extended period. Obviously, in very cold weather this is a dangerous situation and we and the electric companies were swamped with complaints from ratepayers, county commissions, legislators, and emergency response providers. My concern is that the new EPA rules will denigrate reliability leading to more major interruptions during peak electrical usage."
The blizzard was caused by lack of maintenance on local distribution lines by American Electric Power. It was not caused by lack of coal-fired electricity generation.
Despite the fact that McKinney is using his position to try to influence legislation on behalf of Ohio-based AEP, PJM recently said there would be little to no reliability problems with the regional grid due to upcoming retirements. Is he ensuring that the needs of the citizens of West Virginia are being met, or is he ensuring that the corporate earnings needs of an out-of-state corporation are being met? Are West Virginians really being served by Commissioner McKinney?
Commissioner McKinney's position about a reliability crisis is in direct contrast to other expected testimony from FERC Commissioners. Check out all the filed testimony for today's hearing here.
Let Governor Tomblin know that you support the appointment of a new PSC Commissioner, who will work for the citizens of West Virginia, to fill the expired seat of Commissioner McKinney and not spend his time lobbying for AEP on Capitol Hill.